KMMBridge - Xcode Framework Publishing
Kotlin Multiplatform binary publishing for teams
Easily publish Xcode Framework binaries from your shared Kotlin code
Simpler, low-risk Kotlin code integration
Package Managers
CocoaPods and SPM support, with private or public publish locations
No-friction Integration
Avoid disrupting iOS dev flow by integrating a pre-built binary, with simple config and automated deployment
Local Development
Simply "flip a switch" and build/test Kotlin locally. Supports optimized local SPM development
KMP Team Workflows
Team workflows with Kotlin Multiplatform vary in structure. KMMBridge provides the flexibility to support different configurations.
KMMBridge Quick Start
For native mobile teams looking to publish from a shared Kotlin repo, our template project can have you up and running in minutes.
Evaluating KMP for Teams
KotlinConf 2023 talk "KMP mobile for Teams" where we discuss how teams approach and evaluate KMP.